Dysregulated lung stroma drives emphysema exacerbation by potentiating resident lymphocytes to suppress an epithelial stem cell reservoir
Chaoqun Wang, Ben Hyams, Nancy C. Allen, Kelly Cautivo, Kiara Monahan, Minqi Zhou, Madelene W. Dahlgren, Carlos O. Lizama, Michael Matthay, Paul Wolters, Ari B. Molofsky, Tien Peng. Immunity, 2023.
CHaoqun’s paper in collaboration with the molofsky lab highlights the role of fibroblasts in modifying resident lymphocytes in the lung, which can in turn suppress alveolar stem cells and induce a copd phenotype.
Sentinel p16INK4a+ cells in the basement membrane form a reparative niche in the lung
Nabora S Reyes, Maria Krasilnikov, Nancy C Allen, Jin Young Lee, Ben Hyams, Minqi Zhou, Supriya Ravishankar, Monica Cassandras, Chaoqun Wang, Imran Khan, Peri Matatia, Yoshikazu Johmura, Ari Molofsky, Michael Matthay, Makoto Nakanishi, Dean Sheppard, Judith Campisi and Tien Peng. Science, 2022.
Soledad’s paper identified fibroblasts with senescent characteristics that serve as tissue sentinels, capable of responding to inflammation to augment stem cell repair at the barrier.
Intersection of Inflammation and Senescence in the Aging Lung Stem Cell Niche
Allen NC, Reyes NS, Lee JY, Peng T. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2022. PMID: 35912114.
Human alveolar type 2 epithelium transdifferentiates into metaplastic KRT5+ basal cells
Kathiriya JJ, Wang C, Zhou M, Brumwell A, Cassandras M, Le Saux CJ, Cohen M, Alysandratos KD, Wang B, Wolters P, Matthay M, Kotton DN, Chapman HA, Peng T. Nature Cell Biology 2022. PMID: 34969962.
chaoqun and jaymin’s paper in collaboration with the chapman lab demonstrated that pathologic fibroblasts in fibrosis can drive metaplastic differentiation of human alveolar stem cells into basal cells.
Gli1+ mesenchymal stromal cells form a pathological niche to promote airway progenitor metaplasia in the fibrotic lung
Monica Cassandras, Chaoqun Wang, Jaymin Kathiriya , Tatsuya Tsukui, Peri Matatia, Michael Matthay, Paul Wolters, Ari Molofsky, Dean Sheppard, Hal Chapman and Tien Peng. Nature Cell Biology. 2020 Oct 12. PMID: 33046884.
Monica’s paper demonstrated that fibroblasts can modify the metaplastic fate of airway progenitors through hedgehog-BMP antagonism that determines the regenerative outcome.
The Role of Hedgehog Signaling in Adult Lung Regeneration and Maintenance
Wang C, Cassandras M, Peng T. Journal of Developmental Biology 2019. PMID: 31323955.
Endothelial toll-like receptor 4 maintains lung integrity via epigenetic suppression of p16INK4a
Kim SJ, Shan P, Hwangbo C, Zhang Y, Min JN, Zhang X, Ardito T, Li A, Peng T, Sauler M, Lee PJ. Aging Cell 2019. PMID: 30790400.
Adventitial Stromal Cells Define Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Tissue Niches
Dahlgren MW, Jones SW, Cautivo KM, Dubinin A, Ortiz-Carpena JF, Farhat S, Yu KS, Lee K, Wang C, Molofsky AV, Tward AD, Krummel MF, Peng T, Molofsky AB. Adventitial Stromal Cells Define Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Tissue Niches. Immunity 2019. PMID: 30824323.
Expansion of hedgehog disrupts mesenchymal identity and induces emphysema phenotype
Wang C, de Mochel NSR, Christenson SA, Cassandras M, Moon R, Brumwell AN, Byrnes LE, Li A, Yokosaki Y, Shan P, Sneddon JB, Jablons D, Lee PJ, Matthay MA, Chapman HA, Peng T. J Clin Invest 2018. PMID: 29999500.
Chaoqun’s paper demonstrated that differential hedgehog activation in fibroblasts determined segmental fibroblast identities, the disruption of which leads to disease phenotype.
Emergence of a wave of Wnt signaling that regulates lung alveologenesis by controlling epithelial self-renewal and differentiation
Frank DB, Peng T, Zepp J, Snitow M, Vincent TL, Penkala IJ, Cui Z, Herriges MJ, Morley MP, Zhou S, Lu MM, Morrisey EE. Emergence of a wave of Wnt signaling that regulates lung alveologenesis by controlling epithelial self-renewal and differentiation. Cell Rep 2016. PMID: 27880906.
Hedgehog actively maintains adult lung quiescence and regulates repair and regeneration
Peng T, Frank DB, Kadzik RS, Morley MP, Rathi KS, Wang T, Zhou S, Cheng L, Lu MM, Morrisey EE. Hedgehog actively maintains adult lung quiescence and regulates repair and regeneration. Nature. 2015 Oct 5. PMID: 26436454.
Long noncoding RNAs are spatially correlated with transcription factors and regulate lung development
Herriges MJ, Swarr DT, Morley MP, Rathi KS, Peng T, Stewart KM, Morrisey EE. Long noncoding RNAs are spatially correlated with transcription factors and regulate lung development. Genes Dev. 2014 Jun 15; 28(12):1363-79. PMID: 24939938; PMCID: PMC4066405.
Coordination of heart and lung co-development by a multipotent cardiopulmonary progenitor
Peng T, Tian Y, Boogerd CJ, Lu MM, Kadzik RS, Stewart KM, Evans SM, Morrisey EE. Coordination of heart and lung co-development by a multipotent cardiopulmonary progenitor. Nature. 2013 Aug 29; 500(7464):589-92. PMID: 23873040; PMCID: PMC3758448.
Development of the pulmonary vasculature: Current understanding and concepts for the future
Peng T, Morrisey EE. Development of the pulmonary vasculature: Current understanding and concepts for the future. Pulm Circ. 2013 Jan; 3(1):176-8. PMID: 23662197; PMCID: PMC3641728.
Distinct functions for Wnt/ß-catenin in hair follicle stem cell proliferation and survival and interfollicular epidermal homeostasis
Choi YS, Zhang Y, Xu M, Yang Y, Ito M, Peng T, Cui Z, Nagy A, Hadjantonakis AK, Lang RA, Cotsarelis G, Andl T, Morrisey EE, Millar SE. Distinct functions for Wnt/ß-catenin in hair follicle stem cell proliferation and survival and interfollicular epidermal homeostasis. Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Dec 5; 13(6):720-33. PMCID: PMC3900235; PMID: 24315444.